Anticipation on Overdrive!

“Schoooooool’s OUT for SUMMA!” 8)

I am so psyched to finally be on summer break – it’s been a long year, and this break is well-deserved, trust me!

The end of the school year came with a couple super sweet gifts from my students, such as my snazzy DD’s mug, some pretty flowers…

…and this really cute wind chime.Β  How cute are those little bees?!? πŸ˜›


After getting the word that we could leave early today from work, I pretty much exhausted myself by doing the “happy dance” on my whole car ride home.Β  This meant appetite = HUNGRY!Β  I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted right away, so I dug into some Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato chips (DANgerous!) & some Pineapple Peach salsa that I found last week at Target.Β  (Yes, this was one of those impulse buys!) πŸ˜‰Β  I probably had about 6-7 chips with LOTS of salsa – I ❀ fruit salsa.

I eventually decided I needed something cool & creamy, so it was smoooothie time!Β  I went away from my normal combos and tried something new today:

Blueberry Banana Smoothie

– 1 Chobani honey flavored Greek yogurt

– 1 frozen banana, sliced

– <3/4 cup fresh blueberries

– 2 big handfuls spinach

– 1 ice cube

The smoothie had awesome flavor, but I could taste a hint of the spinach today, which I don’t usually find with my normal green monsters.Β  It was also a little thinner than usual, most likely due to the fresh blueberries (normally I use frozen strawberries).Β  But either way, it was still super-satisfying and I’ll probably make it again. πŸ™‚

On the side, I also had some carrot sticks + hommus – al fresco 8)

Can you see my shadow?? πŸ˜‰

I’m counting this as lunch #1, because I’m already starting to feel a little hungry.Β  I wanted to space it out that way though, since I’m anticipating a later dinner tonight.

SPEAKING of tonight — I am completely ecstatic about a special event happening tonight!!Β  For some of the locals, you’re probably aware of the madness this is sure to ensue in a few hours down in Albany.Β  For those of you reading from afar, I will give you a little clue…

“Motown Philly πŸ˜‰

I’ll be back tonight with a recap to end the suspense I’m sure you’re all feeling right now…mwwaaahahaha!! πŸ˜€

For now, I’m going to put my freshly pedicured tootsies up, and just RELAX!

Does anyone have any guesses on my secret event?!?!

13 Responses

  1. Hmm, my head went straight to Boyz II that weird?

  2. Motown philly back again…da nana na…boyz 2 men!

    actually, when I hear that song I think of Stephanie Tanner from Full House. She did a dance to it once on the show haha!

    congrats on school being out!

  3. Enjoy Boyz II Men, Court πŸ˜‰ And Happy Summer vacation!!! Even though you’re the teacher now, don’t you still get that same feeling you had as a kid when you finally finish the school year?

    What are your plans for the summer? Teaching summer school or taking advantage of the break? 😎

  4. Oh I love that salsa. Archer Farms is awesome. Have a great evening!

  5. I’m guessing Alive at Five..because I’m going too! haha. I’m going to have flash backs from the 90s! πŸ˜€

  6. So jealous! Have fun!!

  7. I just discovered Food Should Taste Good chips and I’m obsessed!

  8. I’m jealous! Have fun at Alive at Five!!

  9. You’re just going on summer break?! Woahh! Have a blast girl πŸ˜€

  10. CONGRATS on being done- woohooo!!! πŸ™‚
    I LOVE that salsa from Target as well- it’s SO good.

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