Revenge of the Green Monster

Boy, it sure is Monday today, huh?  My goodness it was NOT easy to get up this morning.  I hit my snooze button three times before finally getting up for my morning workout.  And even then, it was more of a roll out of bed & into my clothes, then flinging myself down the stairs onto the treadmill. 😉

Even when I first got on the treadmill, I was thinking, “Ahh, it’s still not too late to go back to bed for an extra 40 minutes…” but I told myself to just stick it out and see how it goes.  After 30 minutes, I had completed my Cardio Blast workout, which although was done a little easier today, still had me a sweaty mess. 😀  I’m so glad I stuck with it!  Especially after feeling the sluggish side effects of this weekend’s eats.

While I totally love to indulge in the occasional treat, (as you know!) this weekend’s wine, french fries, cookies, and ice cream, was all a little much, and left me feeling pretty BLAH. 😳  I’m definitely ready to balance it all out with some fresh fruit and veggies today!

With that being said, there was no question on what was going to be attempted for breakfast this morning…can you guess?  I think I even dreamed about it last night 😉


I was a little nervous when it came time to get the blender movin’…

I pushed the button and crossed my fingers….

And IT WORKED GREAT!!! Even better than the last blender! 😀 😀

Look at that lovely green tinted pitcher…I know you’re all green with envy 😉 mwahahaha

Today’s monster included:

– 1 frozen banana, sliced

– 6 frozen strawberries

– 1/2 cup Almond Breeze vanilla almond milk (<– SO GOOD, by the way) 😉

– 1 scoop Chocolate protein powder

– 2 BIG handfuls fresh spinach

This monster was so sweet & creamy…I was in heaven!  It felt so good to have some fruit & veggies, too…I swear, I already feel healthier! 🙂

***Make sure to check back later this afternoon…I have a fantastic giveaway for you all!!!*** 😀

I’ll leave you this morning with 3 fun questions:

1. Favorite online site to shop

2. Favorite mixed cocktail

3. Night Owl or Early Bird?

1. or

2. Miami vice or anything with Malibu rum 😉

3. Early bird, but not naturally…I love mornings, but just wish I could adjust to them a little easier!  I definitely need an alarm to get me up! 

12 Responses

  1. 1.

    2. I love lemonade mixed with raspberry vodka or rum 😎

    3. Definitely a night owl! I get a little sluggish around 8pm, but then wake back up around 10. It’s hard for me to get to bed before midnight. Mornings are always rough…I wish I could get myself out of bed for a morning workout, but my pillow is so much more comfortable than jumping around at 6am 😛

    PS – Court, I have that same blender. I love it as well, when it works. You just have to make sure the seal is set up perfectly underneath the blade. Otherwise, you will have smoothie juice all over your counter haha.

  2. that’s the exact blender my roomate uses! This must be a popular one!

  3. WOOP WOOP- new blender 🙂
    I was feelin’ the SAME way this morning..I actually got up a bit early…did my workout, took a shower & then crawled & bed again for like 10 min. I felt SO much better after 10 min. I don’t know what it was…but I just needed it- but I made sure I told Craig NOT to let me sleep any longer than that. 10 min. nap..yes please 😉
    1. Online shop:
    2. Drink: Diet coke + vodka + 2 limes. OR when I’m feelin’ a bit sluggish… SF Red Bull + Cherry vodka- tastes like Fruit punch…good & bad thing- lol!
    3. Early bird…definitely!
    Have a GREAT day! 😀

  4. I really really really need to try a GM. I just haven’t been able to get around the fact that it’s green, and I rarely buy spinach lol. I need to be brave.

    Okay, fav online store to shop at is probably because I’m obsessed with nice running/fitness clothes. But then at the same time I’ve been on shopbop every single day eying all sorts of wonderful clothing.

    I love me a lime margarita or a simple vodka cranberry.

    I’m neither an early bird or night owl. I can do both somewhat easily! I like being up a long time before I go to work, but some days I just really want to stay up! Awh jeeze I don’t know how to answer this question.

  5. 1. Forever21
    2. Bloody Mary (and i love ’em spicy!!)
    3. Night Owl

    That looks like a yummy green smoothie. I have just begun putting almond milk in my green smoothies. It’s delish.

  6. 1.

    2. Sprite with Bacardi Razzzzzzzzzzzzz, or lemonade with Captain Morgan

    3. Does staying up until 3am make me a night owl or an early bird? Im not quite sure, but Id say night owl…

  7. That green monster looks wonderful!

    2. I don’t drink so I don’t really have a favorite cocktail
    3. Early Bird

    (hum…these answers don’t make me sounds too fun do they? haha!)

  8. 1. (shoes baby shoes!)
    2. Tom Collins maybe? Or a Bloody Mary. I prefer my vino though 😉
    3. Morning person all the way. I wake up so happy!

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