A Farmers Market Date

Thank you all for your comments on my dress choices!  Only a couple hours left and I think I just may have a winner! 😉

Last night while at Joe & Kate’s rehearsal dinner, we got talking about our local Farmers Market and all the delicious goodies they always have.  Usually, it’s a solo trip, or I’m lucky enough to have a friend join me, but today I was lucky enough to have a date! 😀  All it took was a little bribing convincing with iced coffees from Flavour Cafe, and he was sold.

Today’s market was hoppin’!

All of the vendors are starting to get a lot more produce, especially STRAWBERRIES! 🙂

A view along the river

Jay and I picked up LOTS of goodies today!

Carrots & Strawberries

Fresh basil & Kale (**I’ve never tried Kale before, so if anyone has any tips for cooking/preparing it, it would be MUCH WELCOMED!)

Sugar Snap Peas (YUMM-O!)

Fresh “His & Hers” rolls

His – Ciabatta

Hers – Whole Wheat Cinnamon Raisin Walnut 😛

Jay’s favorite purchase of the day…some seasoning rub!  He is the grill master and all! 😉

We also got persuaded into buying some handmade marshmallows.  After trying some samples, we were SOLD!  We bought a pack of their passion fruit marshmallows and we got some great ideas on how to incorporate them into some different dishes.  I can’t WAIT to try them again! 🙂

We also picked up some wheat berries, which I have been wanting to try for a while now, but just never picked them up.  They were only $2.00/lb which I was pretty sure was a good price?  So I snagged some, and actually have them simmering as I type. 😉

After enjoying the Farmers Market, as promised, I brought the hubby over for some iced coffees (like I really needed the convincing anyways) 😉  Today I got the Chocolate Raspberry & Jay got Sugar Cookie.  Both are FAB!

While Jay was doing some vacuuming (he’s so good!) I volunteered to make some breakfast for him.  I incorporated his ciabatta bread into a bacon egg & cheese sandwich.  He was quite impressed…almost “restaurant quality” 🙂

I wasn’t feeling super hungry, after enjoying numerous samples earlier at the market, so I simply toasted up a piece of my Hearty Oat Loaf, smeared with some Plain Jane Chunky PB & banana slices.

I also had some fresh strawberries on the side.  OH.MY.GOD…best strawberries I’ve had in MONTHS!!!  So sweet, soft, & juicy…YUMM! 😛

I’m hoping to get a run in at some point before heading out for the wedding later, but time is passing SO QUICK today!  YIKES!  I convinced my mom to do my hair for the wedding later (love having a hairdresser for a Mom!) so I’m heading over there before the festivities!  Not sure if and when I’ll be back today, so hope you have a FABULOUS Saturday, and I’ll be sure to have lots to recap from the big night!

In honor of today’s wedding…what’s your favorite part of a wedding?

I love to watch the groom as soon as he sees his bride for the first time…it makes my heart melt every time!  Besides that, I’d have to say the food & dancing 🙂

11 Responses

  1. What a fun morning! I love Farmer’s Markets! 🙂

    My favorite part of a wedding is the actual wedding. I know the recpetion is when everyone gets to party but I always love that first moment when the bride walks down and her groom sees her for the first time! I know! I know…I am such a sap! I can’t wait to see what dress you choose!

  2. I’m going to a wedding next weekend. I like the actual wedding the best too. The look they give each other is soooo touching.

  3. A farmer at our market gave me seriously the best idea for preparing kale, and I’ve made it a few times already bc I love it! Saute the kale w/ some diced onions & apples, S&P and a splash of sweet balsamic vinegar (white)… such a great combo btw the bitter kale and sweet apples!

  4. Your farmers market looks big :). The one here in my town is just a teeny one haha.

  5. For the kale I would make Kale Chips- SO good. Just cut them up & then sprinkle them with EVOO & some sea salt & pepper. DELISH & they taste like chips! (really..) You can just google ‘Kale chips’ for a good recipe- that’s what I did 🙂
    I LOVE weddings- hope you have a great night.

  6. Great farmer’s market loot!! That egg sandwich looks delish. YUM


  7. Jumbo carrots – yum! I loveee snap peas too – they’re great in salads & dipped in hummus. Enjoy!

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