No Granola??

“I’m Feelin’ HOT, HOT, HOT…”

Holy Moly!  Where did this heat come from?  They’re saying it’s supposed to be 95 here today…definitely a scorcher!

I knew it was going to be sweltering here at work, so I packed myself a “heat-friendly” lunch.

A cool & creamy honey flavored Chobani.

Some fresh, crisp blueberries & strawberries.

A little from the veggie department – carrots & grape tomatoes, along with some Cedar’s Sun-Dried Tomato & Basil hommus.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kind!! 😀

And I also grabbed the rest of my beloved Kashi crackers & an orange.

The only thing missing?  My granola!!  That’s pretty much my favorite part of my “yogurt messes” and I completely forgot to pack it! BOO 😦  Oh well, it’s still a super yummy lunch!

So as I was searching through some pictures last night to try to find my prom dresses, I happened to come across another picture that, which while equally embarassing, I thought would still be fun to share!

This was actually the first picture ever taken of Jay and I as a couple!  So, we’re talking somewhere in December 1999!  Check out those outfits…pretty stylin’, weren’t we?? 😉

Today after work, I’m headed on a mission to try to finally find a dress for our friends Joe & Kate’s wedding next weekend.  It’s comin’ down to the wire…YAY!  And then after I (hopefully) find a dress, I have a dinner date with my friend Gabby at a really cool restaurant that I’m super psyched about!

So until then, I’ve got the countdown started. 😉

*Don’t forget…keep those questions comin’!  I’m honestly having so much fun answering them!) 🙂

7 Responses

  1. Love the old school picture- you two are adorable & it is awesome that you have been together for so long!! Congrats 🙂

  2. Start looking at the menu now, Ms. Indecisive! haha. See you later

  3. Good luck with the dress shopping today!!! I’m excited for this week’s Fashion Friday post!! 😉

  4. Questions: What is your diet/food philosophy? What is your fitness philosophy?

  5. AHHHH!!!!! that picture scared me

  6. Sounds like a fun night…enjoy it!

  7. omg i went for a 4mi run with my mom today outside and we were DYING from the heat, we had to walk the last 1/2 mile. definitely a scorcher in boston.

    lovely lunch! that hummus is so flavorful i love it too!

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