
Good Morning my friends!

I write to you all this morning with somewhat of a different post than you would normally see on a Tuesday morning…

Over the weekend, I did a lot of thinking and reflecting about life. Maybe it was all the extra love in the air. Maybe it was being surrounded with so many of my closest friends. Maybe it was even being away from reality for a couple days…

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Whatever it was, it had me really thinking about my life and how I want to make the most out of it.

So I am now going to share with you all what I’ve been feeling for weeks now…


Quite frankly, I’ve been trying to juggle so many balls at once, that I have basically worn myself thin. And now I’m sick on top of it (it was inevitable, being the beginning of the school year anyways, but still no fun!)

A full-time teaching job, a 5-6 day-a-week workout schedule, attempting to keep a clean home, and a week’s worth of meal preparation and planning, all on top of blogging 3 times a day, has pretty much been my life.

A typical day for me lately is pretty much:

  • Wake up
  • Workout (if it’s a morning workout)
  • Get ready for work
  • Eat & photograph breakfast
  • Blog my breakfast post
  • Go to work, 8:30-4:30ish
  • Workout (if it’s an afternoon workout)
  • Make dinner
  • Photograph dinner
  • Make the next day’s lunch
  • Photograph the next day’s lunch
  • Schedule a post for the next day’s lunch
  • Write my dinner post
  • Do any extra school work that I brought home with me
  • Wash the dishes
  • Spend about 15 minutes on blog reading 🙂
  • Get ready for bed

As always, there are the occasional errands or events happening during the week that are somehow squeezed in amongst everything else. But unfortunately, what you don’t see in that mix is what matters the most: spending quality time with my two guys I love the most.


Even though the hubby does occasionally get frustrated with my constantly busy schedule, he has been fairly understanding and has, for the most part, kept pretty quiet. But none of that is fair to him, or me…or to this guy…

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There was not one time last week where I was able to take 30 minutes to just sit, relax, and spend time with my boys. Even though I’d say I was, I just never seemed to get there. Instead, I would end up staying on the computer, constantly trying to “get ahead” with my posting so I’d “have more time” the next day. Yet, those next days never seemed to come.

When looking at all of the things that I can and cannot change in my day-to-day activities, I have decided to make some changes to Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life.

They aren’t permanent changes. And I’m certainly not going away!

BUT, until I can finally get my feet grounded, and figure out a way to find some balance in my everyday life, blogging is just going to have to be cut back. “Healthy Living” isn’t only about the food I eat and the exercise I perform. It’s about feeling emotionally fulfilled, and spending quality time with those who I love, who love me back, and keep my happy and sane.

So what does all this mean?

  • For this week, I’m really going to work on spending some extra time with my boys, and myself. Heck, I have a stack of magazines almost a foot high that have been waiting to be read! I’ll still have some posts to share with you, since I have a few yummy dinner ideas this week. 😉
  • After this week, you’re probably not going to see too many lunch posts, unless I happen to make something that I find worthy enough to share. But, quite frankly, my “Monday Usuals” are probably boring you all by now anyways. 😉

  • As for breakfast posts, if I have time to share ‘em, then I will! But I can’t keep racing around the house like a mad woman in the mornings anymore!
  • If I make a yummy meal or other fun recipe, I’m definitely going to share it! 😛

  • If I have anything else fun and exciting to share, I’m going to share that with you too!

I love to blog. Six months ago, I started a hobby that I never would have thought would become such a major part of my life. And as much as I hate knowing that I don’t have the time to devote to it that I’d like, thus is life.

So until I can figure out how to best juggle all the corners of my life, I hope you all know that I can’t thank you all enough for supporting me all this time. Remember, I’m not going away! Just taking a little breather. 🙂

Because we can all use a breather every now and then, right?

So my “Questions for the Day” today are important, and I’d really love if you could help me out!…

  • What would you like to see remain constant on the blog?
  • What aspects of the blog do you look forward to reading?
  • Any other suggestions are welcome!