
I mentioned this morning that I was going to be trying a NEW place for lunch today, and boy am I excited about it!!  The surprise location is Salad Creations!  I’ve passed by it numerous times when shopping at the mall, but never made it in until today.  In addition to some featured salads, wraps, and paninis, my choice was the “Create Your Own Salad”.

You can pick from their “full creation” or a “jr. creation”, but with the full size, you get to pick as many of their 40+ “throw-in” choices that you want!  Look at all these veggies & toppings!  I was SOLD! 😀

For an extra amount, you can add a protein, such as turkey, roast beef, tuna, or a variety of chicken choices.  Normally, I would add chicken, but after everything else that I “threw-in” I figured I had plenty.

My “Salad Creation” was LOADED with goodies!

-Spring mix lettuce




-Dried Cranberries

-Feta Cheese (just a sprinkle!) 😉

-Green Bell Peppers

-1 Hard-Boiled Egg (I picked out some of the yolk…not my favorite)

-Red Onions

-Roasted Red Peppers

-Sliced Almonds


Now that’s what I call a SALAD!  I ordered my salad “chopped” which really combined the flavors of everything wonderfully.  I also ordered my dressing on the side, which was their Low Fat Caribbean Mango.  It was pretty good!  I only needed one of the containers though because everything mixed together tasted great without the extra “juice”. 😉  Part of the reason I had ordered the full size, was to try to save some of it either for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow.  Ummmm, yeahh….that didn’t work out so well.  I ate almost the ENTIRE thing!  Just sitting, chatting, and eating, and before I knew it…DONE-ZO!

Needless to say, I’m sure I will DEFINITELY be visiting here again…they even have a Frequent Diner Card! WOOO HOOO! 😀

After chatting at lunch, we moseyed on over to a nearby cafe to grab a cup of coffee and get to work.  Right down the “sidewalk” was ANOTHER new place I’ve never been, MochaLisa’s Caffe.  It was super cute inside…I wish I had gotten more pictures!  But if you check out their link, there’s some good shots.  You can’t really read the menu here, but trust me, they have quite an extensive one!

They also had a whole separate menu for all of these yummy sounding teas, but I was feeling a little chilly and needed something to warm me up.

I couldn’t decide on what flavor to get (hellloooo indecisiveness!), so the kind woman working recommended a combination of two flavors that is apparently very popular amongst the staff there.  So I like to call my cup-o-joe “Hazel-Doodle”! 🙂  It was a combination of hazelnut and Snickerdoodle flavored coffees.  The verdict?  DEEELISHH! 😀

I was hoping it would last me a little longer through our meeting, but it was so good, I downed it in a matter of minutes.  Oops! :”>  Our meeting went very well, and we got A LOT accomplished, so we both left feeling quite good about things!

After our meeting, it was time for the gym.  I was going to do a BodyPump class, but got their earlier than normal and didn’t feel like waiting around.  So instead, I did my 3 mile interval run on the treadmill (check out the Workout Log for details), followed by an easy 25 minutes of intervals on the elliptical (I needed to catch up on some mags!) 😉  After the cardio, I wanted to add in some strength training to make up for the missed BodyPump class, so I did about 25 minutes of some upper body strengthening, and some glutes.

“Geez Courtney, you must have been tired!  You went home after all that, right?”……

Oh no, I did not!  I still had to make it to softball practice…yikes!  Luckily, my gigantic lunch salad held me over quite well, but I wanted something quick before practice, so I snacked on this sweet thang on the car ride there.

Practice lasted for about an hour and a half, and luckily it was not 40 degrees out like it was on Sunday, so things went MUCH better tonight.  When I got home for dinner, I was hungry, but feeling SUPER lazy.  I was on my own, since the hubby is out of town again today for work ( 😦 ) and really wasn’t in the mood to make anything difficult.  So I scrounged through the kitchen and ended up with this plate.

Ham & provolone cheese with lettuce, pickles (LOVE pickles!), and honey mustard on a La Tortilla Factory wrap.

On the side, some carrot sticks with hummus and Kashi’s…

These babies are so addicting. I may have had a few more right out of the box while getting things ready… 😉

It wasn’t the most exciting dinner, but it left me satisfied.  After finishing, I still needed to satisfy the Sweet Tooth, so I dug into this bad boy that we got on Easter from Jay’s parents.

There’s nothin’ like chocolate and gooey caramel, right?? 😛

So today at lunch, my mentor and I ended up having a really long and elaborate discussion on psychics.  She has been to one, along with many of my other colleagues, and she said it was out-of-this-world amazing.  She said that the woman she went to told her things that nobody else would have known, and gave her clues into a handful of things that were going to happen later on in life (some of which already have!).  So I got to thinking, maybe I want to go visit the psychic!  It’s always fascinated me, but at the same time, makes me a little nervous, ya know?

So I’m looking for some input tonight, and need you guys to help me out!

Have you ever been to a psychic?   Would you go?  Or would you rather keep the “unknown” where it is?