My Story

Welcome to Sweet Tooth, Sweet Life. My name is Courtney, I’m 26 years old, and I live in Upstate, NY. I have a huge interest in healthy living, food, fitness, and fashion. I began writing this blog as a way of documenting my daily eating and fitness routines, to show that a healthy, balanced lifestyle is attainable for anyone. I love making healthy meals, baking sweet treats, and experimenting with new foods. I never deprive myself of my favorite indulgences, but am constantly striving to maintain an overall healthy attitude about food, fitness, & life.


I was not always the healthiest person. During my high school years, I kept up a fairly active lifestyle, participating on volleyball, bowling, and softball teams. However, when I wasn’t playing sports, my time was often spent lounging on the couch, watching soap operas & MTV, or slouched in front of my computer screen. I paid zero attention to true hunger cues, and often ended up eating out of the mere sake of boredom. My food choices were not exactly the healthiest either: cosmic brownies & zebra cakes were the name of the game. I always struggled with body issues, but often dealt with them by continuing a cycle of unhealthy eating.

As I transitioned into college, things remained pretty much the same, until I started living on campus. All of a sudden, I was exposed to an endless supply of food, through popular dining hall favorites like pasta, cookies, and ice cream. Sure, I ate my fruits and veggies too, but knowing all of these treats were so immediately at my disposal made it very difficult to resist temptation. It wasn’t until my senior year in college where I started to become somewhat interested in exercising. My roommate, Eileen, would often hit up the gym on campus, and I’d occasionally tag along. I liked it, but not enough to go on my own.

My body issues began taking over my life. Once college was over, it was time for the real world, and that’s when things started to get shaky. My boyfriend and I were having some serious issues, and we ended up deciding to take a break. I was completely devastated. The guy I’d dated since I was 15, the guy I loved, was now no longer a part of my life. All of a sudden, I was in a situation that I felt I could no longer control, and I turned to some bad habits, which I just recently opened up about here and here. It was hard to break free of that place in my life, but I know now that I am a stronger, healthier person for having gone through it.

Everything happens for a reason. It’s funny, really, how life has a way of working itself out. Just as my body issues started to become almost too intense to handle, my “guy” and I found our way back to each other. Once that happened, my life took a complete 180. Sure, it took a while to transition back to some healthier habits, but I was no longer alone in my fight to become my healthiest, happiest self. And I am happy to say that I now have the pleasure of calling that “guy” my husband.

Who’s Who?

Jay – “The Hubby”

Despite a brief year apart to grow up & figure out ourselves as individuals, Jay and I have been together for over 10 years. (To read the story on how we met, you can click here.) We were just married on January 2, 2010, in a beautiful (cold) winter wedding celebrated with our closest friends and family. We love entertaining with friends, playing softball together, bowling in the same league, routing on our favorite football team (“GO JETS“!”), and enjoying frequent “Date Nights.” He’s my rock. 🙂

Cody – “The Crazy Cat”

Cody found his way into our lives almost a year ago, when we found him meowing late one night on our back porch. The poor thing was in rough shape, so we took him in, nursed him back to health, and called him our own. We’re still not sure exactly sure what happened for him to have gotten there, but either way, we’re so lucky to have had him find us. You’ll see Cody quite frequently on the blog, as he’s constantly doing something wacky or crazy!

Mom & Dad

I grew up with the most amazing parents, Bob & Pat. They have always been nothing but supportive of me, and have afforded me so many wonderful opportunities in my lifetime. They have been married for over 25 years and have always been a perfect example of what a true, happy marriage should be.

Dan & Meg – “The Younger Brother & his Sweet Girlfriend”

Living with a younger brother often proved to be a bit of a challenge growing up, but I really am extremely lucky to have Dan as my brother. Despite having our “I can’t stand you/Get away from me” years, we have grown pretty close as the years have passed, and we never fail to have a great time. Throw Meg & Jay in the mix, and it’s sure to be a blast!

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at, or leave a question in the comment section of any post.  I love hearing from readers! 🙂

28 Responses

  1. aww you used the picture! so cute! i love the new page. 🙂

  2. Looks great Courtney! Honest, thoughtful, and you 🙂

  3. great story courtney! it’s amazing to see that through pain and difficult times with our mind&body we can emerge with such power and self-compassion! you are so beautiful and have a great hubby and fam 🙂

  4. Great intro! How old is Cody now?

    • Since we don’t know for sure when his “birthday” is, the vet “guesstimated” it to be on August 1st (also my hubby’s birthday!) – so he’ll be 1 (or 7?) in a couple weeks. 🙂

  5. Love the new page, it looks great! I’m glad you and the husband worked things out in the end. You guys are so cute together! I love happy endings 🙂

  6. It’s nice to meet you 🙂 I look forward to reading your blog!

  7. I just came across your blog and find it so inspiring! Thank you!

  8. Great blog… love the cupcake recipes 🙂 you should open a cupcake shop!!

    Also love your name 😉

  9. just curious what your career is?

  10. I love your blog! Super cute! and btw you look amazing! I would have never guessed you were once heavier like you were in you jay’s prom. Im too afraid to put up my pictures of when i was heavier. its embarrassing! lol

  11. Courtney I love your blog! Would it be OK to add it as a link in mine?

    Incognito x

  12. Hi Courtney, I just discovered your blog through Freshly Pressed! I love your logo and concept. I live in San Francisco and have started a similar blog, except my three F’s are Friends, Food, and Fitness. I would love to connect with you!

  13. Ahhh….congrats on your FP! I just found your blog and I just love it! You are so very creative and talented! I should’ve guessed you were a school teacher with all the cute little details on your blog! Thank you for sharing your story…you are an inspiration!! And I LOVE the recipes!!! I will have to come check these out again in the future…when I can eat a cupcake or two again! ❤

  14. Hi, I found your blog on Freshly Pressed when I realized that we have the same name! Awesome! Your blog is so lovely and well-written. 🙂 I’ll definitely be reading more!

  15. Hi! 🙂 I’ve been surfing around WordPress when I came across your blog. I just loove it!! Can’t wait to read ALL of your posts. I know you know how lucky you are to have a gorgeous husband (a long love at that!) and being able to satisfy your sweet tooth while having a sweet life! =) Just barely scrolling through here and I get soo inspired! Thank you and God bless! 🙂

  16. I’m so glad I stumbled across your blog, I love it and completely relate to your story. You’re adorable, can’t wait to try out some recipes!

  17. super happy i found your blog! youre gorgeous 😀

  18. hello! nice the meet you

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