Who Doesn’t Love Leftovers?

I am totally LOVING reading all of your comments on How You Roll!  Who would have thought it was such a common debate?? 😉  If you haven’t yet had a chance to weigh in, feel free to share your thoughts!


Lunch today was so quick and easy – leftovers really are the BEST! 🙂

I took half of my leftover veggie stack from last night’s dinner — I only went with half today because I think my tummy was on a little bit of fiber overload from last night’s portion.  I enjoyed today’s stack cold, because it’s just too hot here at work to eat anything with any sort of heat.  I actually found it to be just as delicious cold as it was warm. 🙂

I also packed up some fresh cantaloupe to go with my veggers.

And since I know I’m going to end up needing another snack around 3pm (as usual) I packed myself up a snack of T+PB+B!

1/2 of a LaTortilla Factory whole wheat wrap, smeared with some Skippy Natural Super Chunk & some banana slices. 

I’m already looking forward to diggin’ in to this bad boy! :mrgreen:

Question for Ya:

Do you enjoy eating leftovers?

10 Responses

  1. Oh yeah I love me some leftovers! So simple to pack too! 🙂

  2. i love leftovers bc it’s easy and free, kinda…haha. or i just don’t have to spend any more money!

  3. I enjoy leftovers when its something delicious, kind of like Pizza Hut for breakfast the next day…SO GOOOODDDDDDDD

  4. I love leftovers!!!!!!!!!

    You have a little peanut butter & banana quesadilla going on there!

  5. Nope – not a leftover gal at all. Now, if I have something like plain leftover quinoa that I can make into a different dish, then that’s different. But just to reheat something….rare.

  6. i love packing leftovers for work the next day, gives me a home cooked healthy meal to look forward too! and lots of times the flavors just get better too. i bought an eggplant today at the market and am definitely looking forward to trying out those veggie stacks!

  7. I love leftovers, especially cold veggie dishes like the one you have here. My husband, on the other hand, does NOT enjoy leftovers… which complicates things a little. I like finding other leftover lovers… 😉

  8. Leftovers rock! My husband and I actually fight for them! haha…well we solve it like we solve most things: Rock, Paper, Scissors! haha!

  9. i love leftovers, especially soup. the flavors all meddle together an it tastes even better the next day. sometimes i really like leftovers cold too. haha, pizza for bfast 🙂

  10. Yumm I love LaTortilla Factory!

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