How About A Double Movie Date?

**Don’t forget to enter my Exercise TV GIVEAWAY! You have until next Tuesday to enter!**

So a little earlier today, I got call from the hubby asking if I’d be willing to change our plans for tonight. Our friends, Joe & Kate were planning on going to the movies tonight and asked if we’d like to join them! They’ve already seen Toy Story 3, so we ended up going to see “Despicable Me” instead. It was a really cute movie – and those little Minions were freakin hilarious! πŸ˜€

*Quick Note: Last week after one of our softball games, I was supposed to mention to all of my blog friends that Joey said “HI” – I forgot, naturally. So to all of you, from Joey…”Hi Blog Friends!” (Told ya I’d make it up Joseph!) πŸ˜‰

After taking into account the movie time and how much time would be left for a dinner out, Jay and I decided to nix the dinner out and save it for tomorrow night. Normally, I’d be kinda bummed but I had actually been having very intense cravings earlier today for a grilled veggie panini.

So I got out my trusty Griddler Jr. (which I LOVE and don’t know why I don’t break it out more often!)

And created the panini of my dreams. πŸ™‚

Before making the sandwich, I grilled up some yellow squash & zucchini — about 5 minutes per side, sprayed with PAM & sprinkled with some S&P. I then took 2 slices of whole wheat bread and topped them with some roasted red pepper hommus, a generous helping of the grilled veggies, some tomato slices, and a couple thin slices of my yummy Gouda cheese.

It was a phenomenal panini indeed! A perfect reminder that I need to make these more often. πŸ™‚

Along with my panini, I enjoyed OD’d on these delicious goodies: Food Should Taste Good Cheddar chips

These babies may just give my sweet potato chips a run for their money! They had a subtle cheese flavor, that almost reminded me of nacho cheese Doritos, but 10 times better. The cheese tasted much more natural, but not overwhelming. I’d say these guys are going to be trouble — but considering a good amount of them are already gone, I’d say most of the damage has already been done. 😯

As for my movie treat (because really, who can go to a movie and not snack on at least something) I packed up a cupcake.

That’s right, a cupcake. Don’t judge. Some people like their popcorn…I like my sweets. The only disappointment I found with eating a cupcake in a movie theater is that you don’t get to eyeball it and give it the lovey-dovey, googly eyes that it so deserves. 😯

I am SO psyched to have just come home to find a FABULOUS package waiting for me!! It’s from a certain bloggy friend that TOTALLY made my night! I promise I’ll share tomorrow! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Question for the Night:

What’s your favorite movie time snack? πŸ˜›

13 Responses

  1. Packages always make my day!! =)

  2. hahah i love that you brought a cupcake to the movies! that is fancy snacking! i’ll eat anything at the movie theatres, as long as it’s something i brought and didn’t pay a thousand dollars for!

  3. Packages are always so much fun!

    The fact that you took a cupcake to the movies is awesome! I always have to have popcorn or sour patch kids at the movies!

  4. I love all of the FSTG chips!!

  5. Popcorn! My Dad pops his own and somehow it tastes better than any other in the world

  6. great idea for taking the cupcake! I love pick a mix in the cinema! xx

  7. I love going to the movies! We have a great old school theater around here that serves local beer, wine & icecream (which is pretty badass if I don’t say so myself!) I love movie theater classics though and usually will stick with a water & small popcorn!

  8. If I’m at the movie theater, my favorite snack is definitely candy! Raisinets used to be my go-to back in the day. Ooo, remember bunch-a-crunch? loved that too!

    I totally agree with you on the disappointment of not being able to look at the cupcake while you eat it. That’s half the fun!

  9. I love Twizzlers…seriously addicting!!! Hope you had a fun night!!

  10. Keep us posted on the Shellac manicure! My mother gave up acrylics in the last six months and has been getting standard manicures, but would like something more resilient (without going back to fake nails.)

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