I Finally Caved…

and bought THIS fabulous stuff!

I have been wanting to buy some xanthan gum for WEEKS now, but always backed down with a “maybe next time” attitude after seeing the price tag. Well, again today, we stood face to face in the aisle of the grocery store. There it was, looking so lonely on the shelf (actually, it really didn’t look lonely – I just wanted it) waiting to be bought. After weighing my pros and cons, I finally caved and bought some.

Soooo, you know that it most definitely had to be incorporated into a smoothie ASAP!! :mrgreen:

After grocery shopping, I actually did a quick, but highly intense HIIT workout on the treadmill:

5 mins –           Warm Up

20 seconds – Sprint @ 9.0mph

40 seconds – Jog @ 5.5mph

Repeat spring/jog intervals for 20 minutes

5 mins –          Cool Down

After finishing up the HIIT, I was hot, sweaty, and need of something cool — so after a quick shower (which felt like it really did nothing to cool me down) it was smoothie time!

Banana Berry Smoothie

1/2 banana

6 large strawberries

1/2 cup blueberries

3 oz. strawberry non-fat yogurt

1/2 scoop Strawberry Whey protein powder

1/2 tsp. xanthan gum

4 ice cubes

This baby was soo thick and creamy! I debated on grabbing a spoon, but I knew I’d be able to savor it even longer if I just stuck with the straw. 😉

I’m sure I’ll be hungry for a mini lunch #2 in a couple hours, but for now, this has done the trick. It totally feels like it’s stickin’ right to the ribs right now! 🙂

I’m headin’ back into the kitchen for now to try to get a head start on some dinner & food prep for the week. Always love having things ready to go ahead of time!

Question for the Afternoon?

Is it sad that I’m already totally psyched to watch The Bachelorette tonight?!?! 😉 😀

20 Responses

  1. definitely not sad – i can’t wait to watch either!!! hometown dates!!!!!! 🙂

  2. I actually didnt really like the xanthum gum thickness that much. GUess Im a weirdo!

    Im traveling so Ill miss hometown tonight! GRR!

  3. And another one praises the gum! I haven’t tried it, but so many people rave about it. I’ll definitely have to look into it!

  4. Oh my gosh, I’m counting down till Bachlorette. Tonights girls night for me and hubby. He watches it too. Exactly what is xanthum gum, just for thickening purposes?

  5. Nice workout! High 5’s to you. There are so many items on my “want to buy” list that I just keep saying, “next time.”

  6. I’ve always wanted to try xanthan gum! That smoothie looks super creamy and delicious 🙂 I think I’m going to have to buy some!

  7. Does the xanthan gum change the taste? I’d love to find something that would make my green monsters thicker in the morning!!!
    And I’m not counting down to the Bachelorette – but I’m DVRing Real Housewives of NJ and I can’t wait to watch it.

  8. Thanks for showing me the packaging. Didn’t know what xanthan gum looked like until now. I recognize the Red Mill packaging for sure.

  9. I’m psyched for the Bachelorette too! This show helps me get through my Mondays with a smile on my face!! I love that it’s 2 hours long — I watch it at the gym while biking or walking on the treadmill and the time just flies by!! There are usually a few other ladies who watch it at the gym with me too!

  10. I have been debating the same thing too! So was it worth the hefty price tag? Did it change your smoothie a lot from normal?

  11. AHH thanks for reminding me that the Bachelorette was on- I have NO idea how I forgot…I usually always remember that..oh & Housewives of NJ Is on too 😀
    That’s so funny about the Xathan Gum, b/c I’ve been doing the same thing. But, do you think it’s worth it? I really like my smoothies now even w/o it..but, if it really does help..then I would consider getting it for sure now.

  12. Not if me getting excited about the Real Housewives of NJ is bad?! haha!

  13. I’m in the same boat as you and others who have commented–thought about trying but didn’t care so much for the price. I am stoked for The Bachelorette as well!!

  14. Xanthum gum is on my to try list. The list is long and I try one thing at a time. I’m hoping to find it in a bulk bin at a huge Whole Foods so I don’t have to buy a whole bag I might not use.

    I haven’t watched the Bachelorette this season but I often feel I’m missing out.

  15. Please tell me that you have seen HEAB’s protein ice cream recipe?


    It is exactly why I want some Xanthan Gum. I want it really, really bad. I don’t even know how much it costs, but I know it’s spendy. I also know that it’s inevitable and will last a really long time once I bother buying it!

  16. Xantham gum is literally life-changing! So glad you broke down and bought it. Just think – the stuff lasts FOREVER when you’re only using 1/2 tsp at a time!

  17. I had skipped ahead to the results of the smoothie, had read that one first and then came looking for the recipe. Great idea, haven’t had any experience with the gum, like you have always used bananas. Will have to see if maybe my bulk store sells in small quantities. Not sure if I would ever use a large bag and what the shelf life would be on something like that.

  18. i like you caved and bought xanthan a while back..and will never go back! 🙂 it’s amazing stuff!

  19. Ok, terribly embarassing question here. I bought some xanthan gum and used it for the first time last night making a faux wendy’s frosty. I had the most terrible gas and i think my husband was starting to wonder what the heck was going on with me. I mean, it was obnoxious. I used 1/2 tsp xg, 30g biochem protein powder, 1/2 c milk, cocoa, ice and I think that’s it. Do you think 1/2 tsp was too much maybe? I wonder if I’m sensitive to it because I just started using it? How did you react to it?

    • I used the same amount in my smoothie, and to be honest, I experienced a little bit of the same thing. I didn’t really associate it with anything in particular, as this happens quite frequently for me, but maybe it was the xanthan? Might be a good question to ask other readers who’ve tried it – thanks for bringing that up!

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