Soggy, Yet Super Satisfying

I have been so excited to dig into my lunch ever since I prepared it last night.  Honestly, I think I was a little obsessed about it.  But hey, don’t judge!  We all love food around here, right?!? 😉

Last night, I decided I wanted a little extra boost of veggies, so I rumaged through the fridge, and pulled out anything that looked appealing.  (A very quick and easy tactic that I would highly recommend).

Things got started with a La Tortilla Factory 100 Calorie whole wheat wrap.  These things alone already rock my socks, so I was gettin’ giddy. 🙂  My wrap then got a nice smearing of roasted red pepper hommus, followed by romaine, tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles, and fresh basil.

As if this wasn’t already going to be a tough one to wrap up, I still needed to add in a ‘lil protein…so this baby got the royal treatment with a slice of my fave Sargento reduced-fat provolone cheese, & a slice of the hubby’s black forest deli ham.

At this point, I almost started laughing out loud…how in the world was this thing going to wrap up?  Now usually, wrapping wraps is my job in the house (Jay says I’m the best at it 😉 ) but this thing was going to be a challenge.

I rolled up my sleeves…aaaand…

VOILA!!  Wrap Mission Complete! 😉 (I know, huge dork-o today)

By the time I got to lunch today, I practically tore the thing in half trying to open up my foil.  But one look at this thing, and things were not lookin’ too pretty…it was a soggy mess!  Thankfully, with a little wrap of the foil around the bottom, I had no problem conusming it in record time, but it would have been much better if I had eaten it when it was first made (like I wanted to in the first place!) 😉  No worries though…minus having a case of the “soggies”, it was still super scrumptious.

Along with my wrap, I enjoyed some fresh cantaloupe.  This is one of the sweetest, juiciest cantaloupes we’ve had in our house in a long time.

After work today, I’m headed to the gym for a little cardio + BodyPump + abs class, which I’m hoping will all go easy on my neck this week (eeeek).  I packed a snack of blueberry Chobani & some Kashi crackers to enjoy pre-sweat session. 😛

Random Afternoon Question:

If you only had 20 minutes for a workout, what would you do? 😉

9 Responses

  1. weight for 5 minutes, sprints for 5 minutes on a cardio machine and repeat.

    But I must say, I just don’t find 20minute workouts satisfying. If I’m at the gym, I’m there for at least 45minutes. I wish I didn’t think this way…

    and i love wraps – perhaps try toasting it just a smidge before you load it up to keep it from getting as soggy.

  2. Oh that’s the only problem with wraps sometimes. You have to make sure none of the veggies are wet. If I had 20 mins I’d do a HIIT workout.

  3. I would do a full body circuit with weights 🙂

    Your wrap looks perfect!

  4. 30 day shred babyyy.

    I wish I knew how to wrap that well..I just don’t have the skills… :\

  5. 20 minutes…the stairmaster. That machine gives you the biggest bang for your buck! Love it!

  6. I’d strap on my Garmin and run!

  7. i’m always so impressed with myself when i manage to wrap anything up!

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