Easy PEASy

I have a confession to make: I am completely OBSESSED with Wheel of Fortune!  I’ve been sitting here for the last 10 minutes trying to decide how to start tonight’s post, but the “wheel” kept dragging my attention back.  Seriously, this show ROCKS…I NEED to BE on it!  Actually, about 5 years ago, I did try out to be on the show, but never got a call back…BOOO.  Jay hates watching it with me because I alllllways kick his butt! :mrgreen: (sorry babe!)

Anyways, confessional over…on to the rest of today!

Before hitting up the gym, I snacked on my Livin Spoonful crackers leftover from lunch, along with this HUGH JASS Macintosh apple that I completely forgot I had packed this morning.  Macs aren’t usually my favorite (love me my golden delicious), but they were on sale for .99/lb, so I really couldn’t pass it up!

At the gym, I started off with 25 minutes on the elliptical, covering exactly 2.5 miles, while catching up on my magazine stash.  I debated on running instead, but I wanted to read, and that just doesn’t happen when I run!  BodyPump today was fantastic, and definitely didn’t feel like as much as a struggle as last week.  I can’t wait for the new track to come out at the end of the month! 🙂

The hubby helped with prepping some of tonight’s dinner, which was quick and easy by the time I got home! 😉  I was in charge of sandwiches, so I quickly through together Jay’s deli chicken sandwich, and then got to work on my tuna salad!

I put some cukes, carrots, onions, pickles, and dried cranberries into a can of tuna, mixed with about 2 tsp. light mayo, S&P, and my new fave ingredient for tuna…cinnamon!! 😛  I’m tellin’ ya, don’t knock it ’til ya try it!  I put about 1/2 of the mixture onto a toasted whole wheat Arnold’s Sandwich Thin with lettuce and tomato.

Jay, on the other hand, did an outstanding job on baking up some sweet potato fries!  He tells me it was “all in the seasoning”, which apparently consisted of S&P, garlic powder, and seasoned salt.  Whatever it was, it was heavenly!

On the side, I also cooked up the sugar snap PEAS that we picked up at the Farmers Market…unfortunately, I let them cook a little longer than I like, so they ended up pretty mushy.  But, despite the mush, they were still quite tasty!!

As Jay and I were sitting, chatting about our day, we were startled to see we had a surprise visitor come and join us at the table…

We couldn’t decide if he was looking for the tuna fish he most likely smelled, or if he was checking out the delicious dessert on the cover of this fabulous-looking local cookbook I picked up the other day?

I don’t know…YOU decide! 😉

My evening will be spent perusing through this book to see what kind of delicious eats I can find to make!!  I don’t know if I want to find something to cook, or something to bake?

Do you prefer cooking or baking?

99% of the time I’ll choose baking over cooking!

Are you even surprised? 😉

17 Responses

  1. i love wheel of fortune! i get really into it and absolutely livid when they buy vowels for no reason. it costs $, don’t they know this? 😛 i’m sure i’d do something silly if i were on the show too. the pressure is on when you are on television.

  2. Hmmm, cooking or baking…….it depends on what I’m craving for deciding which I like better. But mostly, I like cooking. I never really liked Science in school, but cooking with a new recipe is like a science experiment to me…….I love to mix the ingredients and see how it comes out! I love finding recipes in my Taste of Home magazine that comes every couple of months.

  3. I am not the best baker because it requires you to measure! I much prefer cooking! I am with your husband about Wheel of Fortune…I don’t like it but that is because I am terrible at it and Keith always beats me too!

  4. I like cooking because I think you have a little more freedom to be creative. Whenever I try to add my own twist to baking, I usually end up messing it up. It usually takes a couple of tries!

  5. right now I’d say cooking but it’s only b/c I haven’t baked much. I know once I move into my new place I’ll be baking more. The ktichen where I live now just isn’t very inviting so I don’t ever feel creative or inspired to be in the kitchen.

  6. That chicken sandwich looked divine!

    Awww, your kitty looks just like our Gingerbread, SO cute!! 😀

    I am definitely a cooker, I am not very good at baking. Love that my mom does it, though! 😉


  7. That’s a hard one..but I’m gonna go with cooking just because I do it almost every night 🙂 I wish I could bake more, but I just don’t have the time..and it’s hard to eat it all when it’s just two people in the house- unless of course it’s a 2 person serving 😉
    Those peas look delish!!
    & Cody, what a cutie- he has the cutest faces.

  8. omg, I LOVE sweet potato fries. I always buy sweet potatoes and say I am going to make them and then I don’t. Tonight, I think that is about to change.

  9. Those peas look amazing…I’m now craving them!

  10. omigod that cat is adorable. i’m really not a baker at all – i prefer cooking!

  11. BAKINGGG! Less to do 🙂 Perfect for lazy people like me :)!

    I would sooo love to be on a game show and win! I will be the loser they have to drag off stage.

  12. I love both 🙂
    your cat looks so adorable, that look cracks me up :))

  13. What a cute kitty! Your food looks delish!


  14. I love baking too! Even though I’m pretty new at, I have so much fun experimenting!

    Your kitty is adorable!

    P.S I really love your blog, it’s one of my favorites 🙂

  15. Hi! I just found your blog thru kristi’s twitter. I love it! I love seeing other local healthy living bloggers! 🙂 I’m adding it to my list of local links!

  16. Love the kitty pics …mine do the same thing!

    Baking beats cooking any day =)

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