Rehearsal Time!

Hey guys!  Thanks so much for all your feedback on my dress selections!  It’s coming down to the wire, so any other opinions would be fabulous! 🙂

I never got a chance to post about today’s lunch, so even though it was a little boring, I’ll give you a quick recap…

Fresh Berries + plain Chobani + Kashi Heart to Heart

Mixed together to make a fabulous “yogurt mess” 😉

I also enjoyed some carrot & cucumber sticks + hommus

After work today, it was time to get ready to head over to Joe & Kate’s  rehearsal dinner!  Jay is a groomsman in the wedding, so we had the pleasure of being invited…YAY!  Always love a reason to celebrate 😉  Before leaving, I snacked on this apple to tide me over before dinner.  It was delish!

So, remember earlier how I said I had another reason to wear my flower dress?  Well, tonight was the night!  I figured tonight’s rehearsal would be the perfect opportunity to wear that snazzy floral number! 😀

I started off the rehearsal dinner with a delicious glass of Mirassou Pinto Grigio.  I really liked this wine!  I could really taste the peach and pear flavors; it went down quite smooth and was very refreshing!  I ended up having 2 glasses during the night.

Tonight’s dinner was back at the Park Pub, which you may remember Jay and I attended last Friday for their Raw Bar.  Our friend Brad, who is the main chef there, sure did not disappoint with tonights’ Italain spread.  Seriously, was he reading my mind? 😉

I enjoyed some salad, along with baked ziti, chicken parm, & a fresh roll with some butta’.  It all tasted FABULOUS! 😀  I guess I was really in need of a good Italian meal!

Fun pics from the night!!

Me & Jay

Soon-to-Be Mr. & Mrs!!! 😀

Me & Kate

Joey & Jay

More fun with the hubby…he’s SO good at these quick photos…I can never get them centered! 😉

It was a super fun night, and we had such a great time celebrating with the happy couple!  I can’t believe the big day is tomorrow…it seems like just yesterday when they got engaged!! 😀

What are you doing for fun this coming weekend???

Besides the wedding, I’m planning some relaxation with some magazines, a trip to the farmers market, and hopefully some time by the pool…if the weather will cooperate! 8)

12 Responses

  1. You are so gorgeous! Im a new reader and I love your writing. It’s so fresh and perky and you always seem to love life:)
    You and your husband look sooooo good together too!

  2. I second that you and your husband look awesome together!
    My fiance and I will be heading to Michigan tonight and will
    be back on Tuesday, so no more blogging for me! I never
    got a chance to see the floral dress in your picks!
    It’s gorgeous on you!
    Have a great weekend!
    PS I love your blog!

  3. I’m just going to enjoy naps and catching up on tv shows! Thrilling weekend hahah

  4. You should come to the Farmers Market at the Crossings tomorrow. Its the opening day and from what I can see they have a ton of cool vendors coming. Wendy and I are heading over around 10:15ish. Text me if you are up to it. Also they have a FB page that I recently became a fan of so you can see who the vendors are! Talk to you later chickie!!

  5. LOVE. THAT. DRESS. You are look so beautiful!!!! 🙂
    And, after seeing your plate of your dinner my dinner tonight has now been decided 😉
    Baked ziti with salad it is. It was so funny I was reading this & then I saw the picture of your dinner & I looked @ Craig and said I know EXACTLY what I’m doing for dinner!! 🙂

  6. You look gorgeous in that dress!!! Looks like it was a fun night. 🙂

  7. […] morning I saw on Courtney’s blog a picture of baked ziti with salad & bread…and that was IT. My dinner was decided But […]

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