Burnin’ Muscles Need a Treat

As I mentioned earlier, after work, I headed over to the mall to take care of some serious dress business!  I returned one dress, and ended up picking out 2 more!!!! I had a feeling I’d find more variety at this mall, so now I’m left with another dilemma…looks like I’m going to need some more of your fabulous advice for Fashion Friday tomorrow! Here’s a mini “sneak peak” for ya 😉

So after hitting up the mall and having a grand ‘ol time, it was time to refuel myself with some dinner.  Before leaving for work today, I packed myself a mini dinner, since I knew I wouldn’t be coming home until a little after 8:00 tonight.  And waiting that long for dinner + a workout in between = NO WAY!

I made a yummy wrap, starting with a whole wheat La Tortilla Factory wrap, and filled it up with some sliced deli chicken, Sargento reduced-fat provolone cheese, romaine, tomatoes, & a little smear of light mayo + pesto.

When I first created this combo, I was in heaven, so I figured it’d be a safe bet again for today.  It was absolutely DELISH, except for one bummer…I totally forgot the pickles!! 😳

I also packed up some carrot & celery sticks + hummus to snack on.

After fueling up, it was off to the gym for some cardio + BodyPump!  I ran a quick mile on the treadmill @ 6.5mph, followed with 25 minutes of easy cardio on the elliptical.  I actually realized earlier today, after checking out my workout log, that I haven’t taken a BodyPump class since May 23rd!!! 😯  Do you think my body was feelin’ it?  OH YES it was!  My muscles were a-shakin’, and I am gonna be one sore unit tomorrow…but I don’t mind! 😉

After the gym, I had worked up another appetite, but not just any appetite.  The sweet tooth was at it again…and it was craving ice cream.  It probably had something to do with the text message I got from the hubby earlier today with a picture of an ice cream cone from my favorite Snowman!  I knew I wasn’t going past there, but I was going past another fabulous ice cream place…Guptill’s Coney Express.  Jay and I don’t go here very often because their prices are pretty high, but they have some of the best frozen yogurt around…so I went for it. 😛

Red raspberry frozen yogurt with rainbow sprinkles (because what is ice cream without rainbow sprinkles!?!).  It was a much bigger portion than I had anticipated, but I still housed it anyways 😉

What are your favorite ice cream toppings?  Are you a cone person, or a dish person?

Rainbow sprinkles are a MUST, unless I’m splurging on a Flurry, and it’s Oreos & cookie dough. 🙂  And I do love cones!

5 Responses

  1. rainbow all the way!!!!!!

  2. Favorite ice cream toppings? I usually go with something simple like hot fudge or chocolate chippers – mmm!

  3. My favorite toppings are any kind of cereal typically- especially Fruity Pebbles 🙂

  4. I totally agree with the rainbow sprinkles. They fix everything. I like things that add texture so I was never big on caramel etc, just not the same effect. Your choice looks killer!

  5. I”m definitely a cup person, I actually HATE cones!!

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