The Oven’s Off Limits

This afternoon I decided I was feeling well enough to head to the gym!  I was planning on taking a BodyPump class, but once I got there, I ended up completely changing my mind and took a spin class!  I’d only taken 1 class previous to this, and it was so-so, but for some reason I was in the mood to try it again.

The verdict:  It’s still so-so.  I LOVE the blast of cardio I know that I’m getting, and I really like switching things up.  But to be honest, I just had a really hard time getting comfortable on the seat.  I was thrilled everything the instructor told us it was time to stand! 😉  Luckily, the instructor did a fabulous job and kept me motivated the entire class.  So who knows, maybe I’ll give it another try!  Before spin, I did about 10 minutes of free weights, working shoulders, triceps, and biceps.  It was quick but effective. 🙂

I had a couple ideas in my head for dinner tonight, but when I returned home from the gym, I was told there was one rule: NO OVEN!  I obliged, since it really is just soooo hot in here, so I switched some things up and came up with something delicious, quick, & easy.

This was what I was craving: TOMATOES!  I just love them.  I really do.  I love them to the point where I could probably just take one and eat it like an apple.  Yup, they’re yummy 😛

I sliced up some tomato, along with some spinach, dill pickles, a slice of Sargento reduced-fat provolone cheese, & a slice of deli turkey.  I also spread a little basil pesto & a tiny smear (1/2 tsp?) of light mayo onto a La Tortilla Factory whole wheat wrap.

This wrap honestly had to be one of the best wraps I’ve made in a LONG time!  I think what really did it was the pesto – it added the perfect little bit of basil flavor…YUMM! 😀

On the side, I cut up the rest of my tomato, and sprinkled it with a hint of salt & a drizzle of balsamic vinegar.  I also had a tiny scoop of some of my leftover sweet potato risotto that I had completely forgotten about! I love eating this stuff cold. 🙂

It was the perfect dinner for a hot day when the oven is off limits!

It works time-wise too, since I’m heading out the door in a few minutes to go watch Jay’s softball game.  It’s always fun to watch since 1) I get to visit with fun friends, and 2) I get to see my Mom, Dad, & brother too! 😀

Hope you’re all keeping cool today!  And thanks so much for the tips on cutting mangoes! 🙂  Looks like I may have to “give it a go” again soon.

I’ll have some more answers to your questions tomorrow!  Keep ’em comin’! 😀

5 Responses

  1. Great dinner for a hot night! Love those plates!!!

  2. This might be a really stupid question, but what sports did you play in high school?? Also, have you ever thought of taking Zumba at the gym?? The reason I ask about Zumba is because I used to be a very devote runner and hated classes until i took Zumba and found out I really loved it!! 🙂

  3. no worries I have eaten tomates like apples before!!! love them too esp fresh in the summerrr!!!

  4. With spin you will have to do it once a week or so for 4-5 weeks straight for the tush to get used to it. It will hurt until then…but then your body gets used to it and you can enjoy all the perks of the class. I remember hating spin at first because of how much it hurt to sit on that seat. Now I love it!

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