Designer Denim

😀 Happy Fashion Friday!! 😀

So as I mentioned a couple days ago, a few weeks back I made a very exciting purchase!

Now, before I get into this purchase, let me preface it with a little background info…

I have a strong affection for designer jeans.  I love them.  I want them.  I adore them.

I didn’t always have this love for designer denim, however.  Nope…for that, I have my friend Sarah to thank.  Sarah (my Maid of Honor in our wedding, and also Jay’s cousin) first introduced me to designer jeans back when I was in college.  As a college student, the thought of spending more than $40.00 on my American Eagle jeans seemed ludicrous.  I could barely afford those!  But still, I would see her killer lookin’ denim and secretly wish they were mine.

Then, I became a workin’ girl and started earning my own money.  She had been asking me forEVER to go shopping, and once I finally had some money put aside, we hit the shops!  Ohhh, how exciting it was to actually have a pair of these things on ME!  I bought my first pair of Joe’s Jeans and immediately fell in love.  I wore them everywhere.  They were fantastic.  And the boost of confidence they gave me when I wore them was unreal.  I felt GOOD!

Unfortunately (but fortunately at the same time) I grew out of that pair, and they are now in a bin of my “bigger” clothes.  (I couldn’t part with my first pair of designer jeans…) But since then, I had acquired 2 more pairs, saving up money for each purchase, and mindfully spending what I knew I had set aside.   My first, a pair of 7 For All Mankind jeans, which I won on an ebay bidding war.  (Now, THAT was a thrill…setting  my alarm for 3:30 in the morning, just to snag a $150 pair of jeans for $45!!)

Then, there was a trip to NYC where I fell in love with my second pair of “Seven’s”.  Last summer, it was a trip to Indianapolis with Sarah that had me leaving Neiman Marcus with a pair of Hudson jeans.  It was this pair, while I was out one night for drinks, where I had a random guy come up to me and say, “Hey, Hudson jeans, huh?  Nice taste.”  Really?  Really?  Did someone just notice my big purchase?!?

I’m sure by now, you guys have already figured out my latest purchase!  A few weeks ago, as I was perusing one of my favorite websites, Shopbop, I found myself staring face to face with the same pair of jeans I was dying to purchase back in April when I found them in a boutique in Burlington, VT.  I fell in love then, but told myself I didn’t need them.  It would be a silly purchase.  So I put them back and walked out…

But this time, I just had to have them.  I had money set aside, and I wanted them…so I bought them! 😀  7 For All Mankind Dojo Jeans in New York Dark.  They are fabulous!


Now, I’m sure I’m probably getting a lot of mixed emotions on this one right now…

“This girl is CRAZY to spend that kind of money on jeans…”

“Oh man, I LOVE those jeans but just can’t justify it…”

“Yeah girl! I have those in my closet too!”

Well let me say, most of my friends think I’m crazy.  Jay thinks I’m crazy.  My parents think I’m nuts.  BUT, at the same time, they are all always the first to compliment me on my jeans, and have all admitted that they do see the “difference” that I’ve been telling them about.

For me, putting on a pair of designer jeans is like slipping into that “little black dress” that you know you always look good in.  I put on these jeans and I feel confident.  I feel happy.  I have a little extra “spring” in my step 😉

And I feel like I’ve earned the right to spend my money however I’d like to spend it.  Yes, a pair of designer jeans is going to set me back a little more than your typical store in the mall.  BUT, when I take into account just how much I wear them, the use I get out of these jeans easily pays off for itself.  Just look at the bottom of this pair:

All that being said, designer denim is the only thing that I will pay top dollar for.  The rest of the time, you will find me buying my clothes & accessories at stores like Forever 21, Target, Old Navy, or Marshalls.  Sure, I still have jeans from other stores too, I’m not opposed to them at all!  And if I’m going to shop in a store in the mall, I never shop without my coupons!  I am a complete bargain shopper when it comes to that stuff. 🙂

So, as you finish reading this post, I hope that you are not thinking that I am at all vain, as I promise I am anything but.  Mainly, the reason for this post (besides sharing my super exciting purchase) was to see what your opinion on the subject is…SO…

My Questions For You Are:

-What do you think of designer denim jeans?

-Have you ever tried on a pair of designer jeans?

-Would you ever pay for them?

-Do you own any designer denim or designer clothing?

-What are YOU willing to pay top dollar for?

14 Responses

  1. I completely get it! High quality denim is the one thing I won’t skimp on either. Jeans are really the only clothing items that get me excited. And those are some NICE jeans so I would have gotten them too. I’m glad I love my good jeans so much. It gives me that much more motivation to stay in shape and I know they will be motivation to lose weight after I have my next baby. Clearly, I am just as obsessed. LOL

  2. High quality denim is worth the $, especially if they are THE perfect jeans. 🙂 I don’t own any yet because I just haven’t found THE pair.

  3. you are so freaking cute in jeans!!! I really need to get me some NICE jeans! like sevens or one jeans.. ive heard great things! and its soo hard to find GOOD jeans that fit well!

    • Thank You! 🙂
      It definitely IS hard to find a great pair – luckily, I’ve found “my” pair with the 7 For All Mankind dojos…LOVE them!!

  4. I’m a totally jean whore. I love my designer jeans and I def don’t mind spending money on something thats going to make my butt look good. I’m currently liking Express Rerock jeans too. These are cheapys for me. I love Sevens, their the best. I haven’t tried Hudson yet.

  5. those jeans look soooo good on you!

    jeans are a toughie so i think if they fit really nicely, then get them! plus they last so long! totally worth it girl. good work.

  6. Thanks for the comment! Orange cats are my favorite!

    I love my designer denim. I think it’s worth it because they fit unlike any other and they last. I’ve gotten so many wears out of them I feel it’s worth the price. Joe’s & Citizens of Humanity are my favorite.

    A boutique in Burlington, VT? um Ecco??????? That’s where I buy all my jeans!!!!!!!!!!! Small world! 🙂

  7. […] More here: Designer Denim « Sweet Tooth,… […]

  8. I have purchased my fair share of designer jeans, but because of Eating Disorder I grown out of or shrank out of most of my pairs and I donated them each time I gained or lost weight. I havent bought any new since them, but I do have my fair share of designer purses, shoes, and watches!! I was and have always been taught by my mom that quality is better than quantity!!
    P.S. I think you look great in those jeans and dont let anyone make you feel bad for that purchase!!

  9. Designer jeans are a must. I definitely do not mind spending money on good jeans that I wear all of the time! I currently own, Sevens, True Religion, Citizens of Humanity, and Rock and Republic jeans!! love them all and you cannot deny the quality difference compared to American Eagle or Hollister jeans! 🙂

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